In honor of its 300th anniversary (100) more Liberty Elms will be planted. "Celebrations come and
go, we were interested in a project that would make a lasting impact," said Judy Wilson one of the
organizers of the project. "We wanted something that was honoring our past, while planning the
future," she said.
The Liberty Elms will be planted on town roads and in residents' yards. The town improvement
committee will assist any resident with planting elms. "We need as many residents that are interested
to get involved, " said Larry Smith, another organizer of the project. "If residents know of any space
to plant an elm they are encouraged to reach out to the town as well. We will plant anywhere we can
find space."
In 2012 the Liberty Elms, originally planted as 6 - 8 ft. tall trees, had already grown to heights of
over 25 ft.
In July 2009, a Liberty Tree Memorial was dedicated in Clifton Township Historical Village. In
May 2020, Jim Hungerford, Chairman of the Clifton Township Historical Commission, said
"Thetree is 45 ft. tall andhealthy and is growing quickly. We had the (Liberty Tree) plaque
remounted on a new sign.
TENNESSEE AQUARIUM, CHATTANOOGA, TN - "The 22 year old Liberty Elms planted on
Market Street in front of the Aquarium are alive and thriving," said Gene Hyde, the retired city
forester who plantd them.
"About 12-15 years ago we purchased one of the American Liberty Elms and planted it in Preble NY
in honor of my dad's 80th birthday.He never wanted to inject it to help it survive. It is still growing
strong and is a beautiful tree." - Chris Hilfinger Kruth
The 17 year old Liberty Elm growing at the Palmetto Collegiate Institute Roof House, Lexington,
SC "is doing great - growing like crazy." It was donated by the Lexington Cty Master Gardener
Volunteers. - Dan Walker, Director of Parks.
"Our American Liberty Elm is alive and well and thriving here in the foothills of central Virginia.
Thanks for the work you are doing to support these magnificent trees." - Sim Galazka, Crozet, VA
"The 19 year old Liberty Elm planted by Boy Scouts at the South Common across the walkway from
Band Stand in Barre, Massachusetts is "huge." - Jeff Degan, former Scoutmaster Troop 26.